Hear some inspiring tales of transformation from our legendary TSC heroes!


I have lived a lifetime of food restriction and over exercising, staying thin but always unhappy, and disheartened I couldnā€™t be like ā€œnormalā€ people and just eat without guilt. About two years ago, realizing I had more years behind me than ahead of me, I gave up on the lifelong diet and misery, certain that there must be a way to live a normal, happy life. Yet, I had no clue what ā€œhappyā€ or ā€œnormalā€ looked like, nor how to figure it all out, and while searching for answers I found Glennā€™s program. At first I was reluctant to commit to a long-term course, but as it turns out the accountability held me in good stead. Glennā€™s passion to the program and the support of the member community kept me going through an exceedingly difficult time, and I have not once regretted my commitment. I never thought that I would be able to look at my body and love myself compassionately and unconditionally. When I started the program, I would look at pictures of my younger, skinny self,Ā andĀ long for the body I used to have. But now when I look at those same pictures, I see not the thin body but the unhappiness in my eyes, and I know that I am a much better person in a much better place. I have a better relationship with food, trusting my body to tell me what and how much to eat, and I allow myself to enjoy whatever exercise I enjoy instead of forcing myself to pound out 6+ miles every morning. I understand that doing these things allows my body to be what it is supposed to be, and I also learned to embrace that truth and feel proud of the body I have! Building on the program, I have discovered other joys I had previously disregarded, such as mindfulness meditation, and I have never felt more content in my life. My only regret is that it took me this long to get here. I see unhappy people everywhere being told they need to lose weight to be healthy or feel better, and I wish I could grab them all and point them to Glenn, so they could find their true, healthy, happy self. Thank you doesn't seem like enough ...


Janice Worthington

TSC, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways... Where diet programs prey on our desperation, TSC asks us to care about our whole selves and supports us on our journey to live our values, be our best selves, and live our best lives. Where diet programs sell a fast-tracked success story in 21 days, TSC helps us get in touch with our why and charts the year ahead around that, relieving desperation through meaningful tasks, tools, and support to move us toward our best selves but built on the premise that we are valuable just as we are ā€¦ Where diet programs apply a 'Just do it' plan of attack, TSC knows that doing anything requires exploring, understanding, and improving our motivations, self-talk, and mindset; that it is the subconscious that steers the ship and will ultimately determine our ability to stick to any plan and have long-term success ā€¦Where diet programs focus on early successes with weight loss and their social media communities reinforce a sense of failure and desperation for those not meeting those rapid and astounding goals, TSC is like a family, where everyone's ups and downs could be the same or similar ups and downs for someone else on any given day and we KNOW it ā€¦ Where other programs may set out a bunch of rules to follow to do the program 'right', with TSC 'right' is whatever is right for me ā€¦ and only TSC has the incredible commitment of Glenn Mackintosh to understand, unwind, and address our challenges, along with his unique brand of joy, optimism, and vulnerability that keep us coming back webinar after webinar. :) Really...I can't say enough about how timely and helpful this program has been in my life so far this year. If Glenn weren't so engaging personally and didn't ply me with data (which as a researcher with a Masters in Psychology I love and crave), I would struggle to fit the program into my insanely busy life but each webinar (and the program as a whole) feeds me, encourages me,Ā and uplifts me. and all of the data presented and discussed is aligned with everything I know and have learned on my quest to overcome the struggles I have that keep me from feeling and living my best.


Just over a year ago, my life up-ended. Job: gone. Marriage: ended. COVID: WTF? Hello 2021, and the launch of the Transformation Support Community ā€¦ Establishing whole-person goals (youā€™ll love them!), honing in on my values, setting and reviewing SMART goals, I am now generating slow, but deliberate momentum. I'm becoming more mindful of "me", what I'm eating, how I'm feeling, and Iā€™m finding myself more connected with my body, physically and emotionally. I'll be honest, having a lower number on the scales (and a smaller body) IS something I want, BUT I have chosen to focus on setting and achieving goals that support an overall transformation, not just the number-on-the-scales. I'm already feeling the difference.

Mary Watson

This program has been yoga for my brain. Itā€™s stretched me, itā€™s given me a sense of calm, itā€™s centered me and every week I leave my class feeling refreshed and ready to go. Working with Glenn as a coach has allowed me to work at my own pace in both the group sessions and in my own time. Taking ownership of setting my own goals, in my own space, and in my own life is the point of difference. Feeling cheered on and supported in the community setting has been refreshing and working with these people week on week is both motivating and fulfilling. Life changing? Undoubtedly.



Iā€™m a 60 year old woman who has battled with weight loss, and food and dieting for the past 50 years. I tried and failed every diet ever invented. I always knew that the roots of the problems I had with food and self-image were very deep and tangled and that while I knew all about how to eat to lose weight my head kept getting in the way. Since working with Glenn I am watching a slow but significant transformation taking place. I havenā€™t lost a heap of weight but the TSC is teaching me a whole new way to live. I have a much better relationship with food now. I donā€™t have ā€œgood foodsā€ or ā€œbad foodsā€ and I am not constantly berating myself for eating the wrong foods. I do however, listen to my body to know when I am hungry and when Iā€™m not and I am aware of how much better I feel when I eat nutritiously. The TSC wonā€™t have you ā€œlose 10kgs in 10 weeksā€ but it will give you a supportive community who will help you to transform your body and mind in whatever ways youā€™d like to.


Somehow, I just knew the time was right for me to set about building upon my ā€œself-developmentā€ this year. My desire for it to be a truly transformational year was very high! To become successful, I knew I would need to enlist some help, and learning about the new TSC program, I immediately knew this would be perfect. It has certainly lived up to all my expectations and even more. The program is set up in such a way that we can work at our own pace but still remain focused, and Iā€™ve enjoyed discovering my ā€œsuper valuesā€ (powerful motivators that Iā€™ve always had inside of me!), and setting achievable goals that align with them. I am already feeling the benefits of accomplishment in my self-development year through belonging to the TSC. It has been the best decision for me to join. Can highly recommend to all.

Penny Vickers

During my TSC journey:Ā I stopped dieting. Okay ā€¦ I slipped back into diet mode every now and then but only for a few days until I remembered how horrible it is.Ā I eat as much chocolate as I want, as often as I want, and I enjoy it mindfully (I canā€™t remember the last time I ate a whole block - this used to happen all the time.)Ā Iā€™m a regular exerciser. I enjoy mountain hiking, walking with friends, yogalates and lifting weights. I can get cranky and feel yucky if I miss a training session. Seriously!Ā I no longer think constantly about food. I eat until Iā€™m satisfied and then eat again when Iā€™m hungry.Ā I used to hate how parts of my body looked and constantly adjusted my clothing. Now I accept my body and love how I feel in my clothes. Iā€™ve even rediscovered my love for fashion and reconnected with my personal style - I constantly receive comments that I look great!Ā Oh, and yeah, I have dropped dress sizes as a result of the above. Bonus side effect!Ā All this because Iā€™ve been armed with bucketloads of evidence-based information and transformational mindset exercises that are in the TSC. All I did was sign up, attend the webinars, and put lots of effort into completing my homework. Iā€™m still doing my homework. Iā€™m still improving.


Taryn Kelly

After being overweight most of my life, my health was steadily deteriorating. Last year I underwent bariatric surgery in a last ditch attempt to turn things around. The weight started falling off easily but I realised that I still needed to address my mental health. At this point I heard about Glennā€™s Thinsanity audiobook which I listened to and loved, and then decided to join the Transformation Support Community to help put the Thinsanity ideas into practice. TSC has quickly become an important part of my life. I feel guided and supported, but never pressured. I can work through the resources at my own pace and all week I look forward to checking in with everyone at the webinars. My focus has shifted from obsessing over the number on the scales to improving my mindset and nurturing my wellbeing. I know the work I am doing in TSC is forming the foundation for long-term change and I would recommend it for anyone who believes that they should be on a diet.


In the 5 short weeks that Iā€™ve been a part of the TSC it has helped me to begin to shift a long-held belief that I could never change. A belief that was forged from 20+ years of dieting, self-hatred and misleading promises.Ā The skills are simple and straightforward and SO powerful. The connection with the other participants and Glenn feels so genuine and sincere. I love the pace of the weekly webinars, the information and skills are so thorough and even if I donā€™t make it live, I can still listen in my own time.Ā Consistency has never been my strength, but Iā€™m still listening, Iā€™m still doing the homework and now I genuinely believe things can and will be different for me!Ā Iā€™ve found the place where I can heal and grow.Ā I will never be able to thank Glenn and his team enough!

Tanya Lazarevich

Iā€™m so happy with the changes Iā€™ve made with the TSC program. I no longer wake up thinking about how I have to do better with my eating today so that I can lose weight (i.e. eat all good foods and no bad foods). Itā€™s so liberating not having those thoughts any more. Instead I wake up thinking about the things I get to do that day! Iā€™m much more accepting of myself for who I am, including my physical appearance. Iā€™ve so much more respect for my body and all the wonderful things it does to keep me moving each and every day. Itā€™s been a real blessing to set goals that I can actually achieve most of the time. This in turn helps me feel so much better about myself. Thanks Glenn for all the support.Ā ā˜ŗ

Sahra Raward

I wanted to send you a message of my true, heart felt gratitude for guiding me through a wonderful year. I am better in so many ways I donā€™t know where to start. I am eating better, feeling better, my feet are pain free and I am enjoying moving my body more, and I have stopped drinking alcohol. I have also cut my blood pressure medication in Ā½! I am so proud of myself for finally joining the TSC.



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